Also pictured flanking John Bryden are, (left to right) Jeff Holmes, Keith Groves, Ron Caton and R. Todd Parris.
During the Welcome and Introduction on May 12th, Dr. Keith Groves posed trivia questions regarding the many national flags in the border of the IES2015 Banner hung in the presentation hall. A series of questions were posed regarding the one flag that was displayed twice on the banner; answers are below:
1. The only flag represented twice is that of Kiribati (pronounced, “Kiribus”) which is the sovereign nation to which Kiritimati (pronounced, “Christmas”) Island belongs (01°52′N 157°24′W).
2. The Kiribati flag is posted twice in honor of Mr. John Bryden who maintained ionospheric observations, including coherent backscatter radar measurements, at Christmas Island for more than six months after funding for the station ended in June 2014. These data were the only equatorial observations of their kind in this longitude sector and contributed to many important studies and publications.
Files containing the IES2015 Banner, the flag of Kiribati and a photo of Mr. Bryden (center, light blue shirt) are linked here for your enjoyment. Also pictured flanking John Bryden are, (left to right) Jeff Holmes, Keith Groves, Ron Caton and R. Todd Parris.